11 Options · Game Version: v1.x+ · Last Updated: 2024.10.25

Num 1 – Infinite Health
Num 2 – Invincible
Num 3 – Infinite Ammo
Num 4 – No Reload
Num 5 – Infinite Grenades
Num 6 – Super Accuracy
Num 7 – No Recoil
Num 8 – Rapid Fire
Num 0 – One Hit Kill
Num + – Super Speed
Num – – Slow Motion
Working campaign?
does it work for u?
trainer is linked to opera gx. it won’t work if you don’t install opera gx.
I Have opera and this didnt work ..
You should uninstall your current opera version and install the version in the trainer link.
F1 bring a new tab not the trainer
press while in game
this work on zombies or just multiplayer ?
I have downloaded opera from the link and I am trying to get this to work. I have the game running and opera running but when I hit f1 in the game I just get the pause screen. Am I missing anything? Thank you
There may be server-related problems. Try again later and let us know if it does not work again.
Does this work on single player campaign? When the game loads I pick campaign when do I press F1 and does it bring up a screen for the trainer? Sorry for all the questions I usually use Aurora as I am a life time member so this is new to me. Thank you!
hi thanks for the trainer me too it doesn’t work on f1 pause the game
Do not forget to press f1 also when opera gx is open.
Both links lead to Opera Install, then F1 pauses in game but in Opera, opens the help page
There may be server-related problems. Try again later.. by running opera and let us know if it still doesn’t work.
Doesnt work.. Link lead to Opera Install.
Trainer works in conjunction with opera gx. after installing opera from the link, run the opera gx press f1 and press f1 in the game.
By in game do you mean actively in a lobby?
Does it work with zombies online with friends?